Group Finder

The group finder feature goes through all roblox groups and checks for groups without an owner that can be joined so you can claim them.

How does it work?

  • Open up versatile

  • Go to the Group Finder feature

  • Edit the configuration options to your liking (read below)

  • Once done, run the bot

  • When versatile finds a group, it will paste it in the valid.txt folder

  • You can find valid.txt folder in the versatile folder, just scroll all the way down

It takes a while to find a working group, since there's a lot of people sniping empty groups, so don't worry if you don't find anything, the bot is working, it's not broken.

Configuration options

"legacy" - Legacy mode is an old slower version written in python, if you are using the cookie pool you need to activate this. Just turn it from "false" to "true".

"legacy-threads" - How many groups versatile checks, only relevant if you're using the legacy mode.

"search-threads" - How many group search requests versatile sends to roblox. You can keep this option of default.

check-threads" - How many group check requests versatile sends to roblox. You can keep this on default.

"webhook_enabled" - If you want a discord webhook you can turn this to true.

"webhook_url" - If you don't know what a webhook is, just go on a private discord server of yours, choose a channel, go to settings of that channel, then integrations, webhooks, new webhook, copy the link of the webhook and paste it between the quotation marks ("").

"disableCompression" -

"range" - What range of group IDs versatile should check. For example if you add 5000-10000 it will only check the groups with the IDs between 5000 and 10000.

"debug" - Debug mode prints out error messages and shows info that versatile would usually hide. You should keep it on false for a better experience. Only enable it when asked by staff, so they can see what error you are having.

Last updated