Captcha solving services
Last updated
Last updated
Currently, the best, cheapest and only working captcha solver is Their solve rate is at ~90% and they charge only 1$ per 1000 solved captchas, which is the cheapest you will find.
The only features that require a captcha solving service are the group botter and follow bot.
However, if you do not wish to spend money on a captcha solver, you can use the manual solver.
Make an account on the solvers website (
Click on "Add Balance" as shown on the screenshot below
Once you've added balance, copy your API key by clicking on the two white squares at the very right of the black field
Open up versatile and go to the feature that requires captcha solving, in this case only follow bot, group joiner and account generator require a captcha solver.
Change the "solver" name to your captcha solving service provider
Add your API key in the "key" configuration option
Start up the bot and you're ready to go!