Avatar Changer

With this feature, you can change the avatar of your cookies to your desired outfit. Please make sure that the items you choose are either free, or your cookies have enough robux to purchase them.

How do I use it?

  • Open the versatile folder

  • Go to the AvatarChanger folder

  • Open outfit.json as a text file

  • Change the numbers next to "itemID" to the item ID of your choice

  • Keep the "purchase" on true, so it allows the cookies to buy the item

  • Once you've set all the item IDs, save the outfit.json file

  • Run versatile and go to the Avatar Changer feature

  • Click on "run" and you're set to go!

Configuration options

"threads" - This determines the speed that Versatile runs at. To be specific, its the amount of requests Versatile will send simultaneously. We recommend a range from 20 - 50. (If in doubt, choose 30).

"debug" - Debug mode prints out error messages and shows info that versatile would usually hide. You should keep it on false for a better experience. Only enable it when asked by staff, so they can see what error you are having.

Last updated